How Does This Work?

Fitness, Lifestyle, Wellbeing, & Mindset⁣

The 4 Pillars of Success...

We build your programme on an incredibly strong foundation.


When it comes to exercise, there’s no one size fits all. There’s no “right way” to do this, and you’ll never be asked to do something you don’t enjoy.

First, we figure out what you like.

Then, we figure out what fits your lifestyle.

Mostly the gals in Ayrie aim for 2-3 sessions of around 30 minutes each.

And you can do this at home, in the gym – or experiment with something new, if you like.


At Ayrie, we don’t believe in restrictive meal plans. That sometimes needs a little reeducation because it’s quite different from what people are used to.

Our philosophy is that a little bit of what you fancy does you good. We follow an 80/20 approach which is realistic, enjoyable and sustainable.

We focus more on balanced meals, portion sizes and how to improve your relationship with food.

After coaching hundreds of women through emotional or binge eating, we’ve found these are the areas that help the most so you’ll never have to start over again.


All permanent change is anchored with a change to how you think. And while this might seem nebulous, we use a 12 week framework that helps women overcome specific common obstacles.

We have strategies for low confidence, self esteem, limiting beliefs and negative thought patterns, black and white thinking, the all or nothing approach, procrastination… and more that are being added all the time.

Not only that, but we have our own in-house behaviour therapist in the mindset team who helps you transform holistically.

The physical change may come first, but we support you mentally, spiritually and emotionally as well.


Between our Zoom calls, and in-person meet-ups, it’s no exaggeration to say women that meet inside Ayrie have made friends (and memories) for life.

Connecting with like-minded women who are on a similar journey to you is incredibly valuable.

Not just to validate your experiences and struggles. But to support you in practical and emotional terms with problems they’ve already solved.

The gals are caring, supportive and some of the most inspiring women I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting. I’m so glad I’m in a position to know them, and introduce them to you.

I’d Like To Know More... What Are The Next Steps?

The very first step is that we have a chat on Zoom.

This is to help me to get an understanding about your background, your current lifestyle, and where you feel the struggles are right now.

You’ll get a chance to ask all your questions about the programme – and you leave with a personalised roadmap over the next few months.

And if we both agree it would be a good fit for us to work together, we welcome you in right then and there and get to work.

But let me be clear.

You won’t be hassled or pressured into investing in this programme.

It would make no sense for me to invite you into Ayrie if I wasn’t confident I can help you.

When I say this is a mutual decision, I mean it.

If you join us, you’re accessing 1 to 1 personalised coaching and mentoring.

That comes with accountability, support and advice when you need it.

We’re right there, communicating with you day in, day out.

We want to know what’s going well for you, and we want to check in around what’s not going so well to get you moving forward again.

We give you what you need, when you need it – never overwhelmed. Always progressing.

One of the best parts of the programme is the bi-weekly zooms.

You’re going to get everything you need to be able to maintain your results forever by yourself.

As much as I love my Ayrie gals, I know you shouldn’t be with a coach forever. So it’s my job to make sure you get everything you need.

These signature workshops educate around all sorts of topics, including;

All sessions are recorded for our on-demand platform. If you ever need to catch up, or rewatch something – you can get exactly what you need at precisely the right time.

OUR Worldwide Community

Here's what our clients have to say...

The women in Ayrie are so over fads and sacrifice. We grew up around extreme diets…

Aspirations of “being thin and beautiful” which always left us feeling empty and out of place. Even missing out on making memories with friends because we’d feel guilty if we let go and allowed ourselves to fully enjoy them. Since then, we’ve learned a quick fix means a quick fail.

We value wellness, empowerment, education and positivity. We want a healthy, happy, more fulfilled life. We’re a different generation of women, looking to actually live our lives. And we want to do it the right way.

“Ayrie has given me a huge confidence boost…”


“It’s so worth it!”


“You gain so much more…”


“It’s a part of my way of life…”


“Everyone’s got your back…”


“The best decision I’ve ever made…”




here’s the story…

We’re here to change things for the better. Those of us who grew up around mothers, sisters and friends counting every calorie. On the sidelines of every event. Here’s what I propose:

In every possible way.

I’m not inviting you to take part in endurance deprivation. We’re not about fearing foods… Or meticulously weighing and counting calories. And if that makes you anxious…?

You’re exactly who I want to speak to.



Where would you like to go?




Lifestyle & Wellbeing


Ayrie Live @ The Dean